Lemon Apple Upside-Down Bundt Cake (eggless) #BundtBakers

Upside down cakes are my favorites.. And, I mostly love about it is a Gooey taste of my favorite fruits, mixed with the flavor of cake.. It can be created with lots of variations..

One of my favorite upside down cake is with Apple... So, thought of creating it with Lemon... A simple one ingredient can completely alter the flavor of the cake... I mostly work with eggless cakes..

Our this week's ingredient is Lemon... The fact, that I love Lemon.. I knew this is going to be one of my favorite cake... Love the way, flavors blended...  It was so delicious, that I know very soon I am going to make it again... This month is hosted by Anne.. You can follow her blog in From My Sweet Heart. Check out some delicious recipes in her blog...

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving Bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board right here. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers can be found on our homepage.


While, you are here, check out some delicious Lemon Bundt Cakes by other members of our group - 
Ingredients you will need  - 
  1. All Purpose flour - 1 1/2 cup
  2. Baking Soda - 1tsp
  3. Baking Powder - 1 tbsp
  4. Salt- 1tsp
  5. Sugar - 1 cup + 1/4 cup
  6. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp ( of 1 lemon)
  7. Lemon Peel - 2 tbsp (grated)
  8. Butter - 1/4 cup
  9. Cooking Oil - 1/4 cup
  10. Yogurt - 1/4 cup (use as required)
  11. Whipping cream - 1 cup
  12. Apple - 1 (1/2 thinely sliced + 1/2 grated)
Directions you need to follow - 
  • Mix All Purpose flour with baking soda, baking powder and salt.
  • In another bowl, mix melted butter with sugar, cooking oil, lemon juice and Lemon peel.
  • In the end, add grated apple leaving aside 1tbsp of grated apple for garnishing. (I left 1 thick slice of apple ungrated, and grated just before garnishing, as apple turns black very fast).
  • Fold dry ingredients in wet ingredients.
  • Now, slowly add yogurt part by part, to make a batter,, which is more like a pancake batter.
  • Grease your Bundt pan, and place apple slices crisscross, and cover the base.

  • Pour the batter on the apple slices, and cover it completely.

  • Preheat the oven, and bake the cake at 375 degrees, or at medium temperature of your oven.
  • Bake for 30 minutes, or until your cake has passed the toothpick test.
  • After taking out from oven, let the cake rest for 10 minutes... It will leave the sides...
  • Turn it on a cooling rack, and let it cool down for 15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, heat 1/2 cup of whipping cream till boiling point.
  • Turn the cake back in oven with apple side up.
  • Pour the hot cream on the cake, and let it soak completely...
  • After 30 minutes or so, put the cake in the fridge completely packed.
  • Next day, whip the rest 1/2 cup of whipping cream with 1/4 cup of sugar to soft peaks. 
  • Decorate your Bundt the way you want, and put some grated apple on top..
  • Enjoy...

NOTE- Leaving the Bundt for a day, enhances the taste and also helped the flavors of Apple and Lemon blend properly.


Unknown said…
Great combination of flavors and how great to bake an upside-down cake in a bundt pan.
Unknown said…
I have not seen an upside down cake from a bundt pan...very creative! Looks yummy.
Padmajha said…
I have to try this cake! So innovative of you to try an upside down cake in a bundt pan!Wow!!
Stacy Rushton said…
I am so impressed with to the top of that cake and how the little bits of red apple peel show up so beautifully. Lovely cake, Shilpi!
It looks very nice and It's a nice option to consider when having a guest who cand eat eggs.
Rebekah said…
What a lovely cake! Sounds delicious!
I love upside down cakes but I never thought to make one in a bundt pan. Pure genius!!!
Ansh said…
I love upside down cakes. But great job on making one in a bundt pan. love the flavor combo.
Anonymous said…
This sounds amazing. I love apples and lemon together. Whenever I make apple pie I put lemon zest and juice in it for zing. So good.
I love the idea of baking sliced apples right into the bundt pan too- I'm definitely going to have to steal that idea. Now I just have to wait for the right theme!
Unknown said…
I tried making an upside down bundt with oranges, it didn't work out so well. Yours is lovely. Great combination of apple and lemon, too.
Avril said…
What a smart cookie you are! I love this cake, combining the lemon theme with apples is just brilliant! :-)
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thankyou everyone for your lovely comments...
Catherine said…
What a moist and wonderful bundt. I love the apple slices...a perfect touch to this cake. xo, Catherine
Lara Tartacadabra said…
Love the idea of upside down apple/lemon cake!! Your Bundt looks absolutely delicious, and what a great recipe, without any eggs!! See you next month Shilphi!!
Unknown said…
I love how you put apple slices in the bottom of the pan, great idea!
Kelster said…
I love the use of apples - not your typical upside down fruit.
What a lovely combination of apple and lemon, I love you upside down version it looks nice and tender.

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