Baked Thekua (Traditional sweet All Purpose flour Cookies)

Hello People,

How is everybody doing today? Myself doing great... And I am very happy as well... While growing up, few snacks and dishes, my mother use to cook very regularly... My Mom is  a great cook, and I love to make dishes, in her way.... It has those typical taste, which I really love it... I try my best, but never able to reach perfection in those recipes... Some of them, are Nimki (Salty Biscuits), Thekua, Gujia (A sweet dessert made of All purpose flour and Milk Fat), Eggplant curry.. Well, she is the mom, and may be the taste of food changes, because of the love she adds in her cooking.... Some of those dishes are my favorite... and Thekua is among them... It's a wheat flour cookie, which is deep fried... We basically, belong to that part of India, which loves "Thekua", and can eat any time of year as a Snack... Now, regular or you can say traditional "Thekua", is deep fried on low temperature.... Normally, it takes me about an hour and half to make these Thekuas....

Well, these traditional recipes, has reached us after travelling few generations.... No doubt, they are very yummy to eat.... But, Now since I am trying to implement healthy food in my diet, then this is just not perfect for me to eat.... I am a sweet toothed girl... Not, everytime I want to eat sweets, but whenever I crave for sweet, I cannot stop myself...And "Thekua" is my childhood favorite snack, how am I suppose to stop myself.... And after eating, there comes a heavy weight of guilt.... So, after some experiments, I discovered this yummilicious "Baked Thekua", which is equivalent yummy but not deep fried... Yayyyyyy, I have done it.....

I wont say, it is completely healthy, but yes no more guilt feeling of consuming deep fried food.....

I have learnt lot about blogging, through my fellow bloggers... I follow few of them religiously... My friend, Anshie Dhar's blog "Spice Roots" is one of them... I love all her stories, and the way she present them.... I got the inspiration to join this group of "Creative Cookie Exchange" through her...

I became the member of Creative Cookie Exchange, and I was surprised that how much variety of Cookies can be made from these innovative Ideas.....

The theme this month is Comfort Food Cookies! What cookie says comfort food to you?  If you are a blogger and want to join in the fun, contact Laura at thespicedlife AT gmail DOT com and she will get you added to our Facebook group, where we discuss our cookies and share links.

You can also just use us as a great resource for cookie recipes--be sure to check out our Pinterest Board and our monthly posts (you can find all of them here at The Spiced Life). You will be able to find them the first Tuesday after the 15th of each month! Also, if you are looking for inspiration to get in the kitchen and start baking, check out what all of the hosting bloggers have made:

So, here I am presenting you our healthier version of traditional Cookies, which is a Comfort Food for everyone in my family, " Thekua"....The name of this Cookie, is followed from few generations, so did not wanted to change it, and it is very well known, as "Thekua" in the eastern part of India....

Ingredients you need to make 10 Cookies- 

  1. All Purpose flour - 2 cups
  2. Sugar (powdered) - 3/4 cup
  3. Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
  4. Olive oil - 1/2 cup
  5. Warm water - 1 cup
Directions - 

  • Mix all dry items..... 

  • Add Olive oil, and mix... 
  • Add warm water in small portions, to this mixture, and knead.. Add water as required, and make a tight dough...

  • Cover the dough, and let it sit for an hour...

  • Now, divide the dough in equal 10 portions...
  • Roll the dough in a ball, press it by palm to 1/2 inch of thickness and place it in a greased baking tray...
  • Do same for all the dough...

  • Place this baking tray in a preheated oven at 375 degrees, for 20 minutes, or till the cookies start turning golden brown...

  • Take it out, and let it cool for 5 minutes before transferring it to the airtight container...
  • When kept in airtight container, remains fresh for 10-15 days...


Renee said…
So glad you joined in the Creative Cookie Exchange and shared the recipe for these cookies. The healthy version sounds lovely and yet I can't help but want to see the deep fried version too (it's a southern thing, we like deep fried food).
Stacy Rushton said…
Oooh, deep fried cookies sound wonderful, Shilpi! I am intrigued when you mention frying them at a low temperature. For me deep frying is always a fast thing. Maybe someday you'll make them for us to see. One the other hand, how great that you found a way to bake your thekua and still get the taste that you love.
BecHeflin said…
I'm so happy to see that you've joined us in the exchange, Shilpi! Olive oil in cookies sounds like a lovely thing to eat. Thank you for sharing your recipe with us!
I love how you've adapted your childhood recipe to make it fit within your lifestyle today. So nice to meet you through the #CreativeCookieExchange. I am glad you've joined the baking group!
Laura said…
I love these cookies! And I love that you baked them, because health or not I am always nervous of deep fried cookies! Thanks for joining us!
Ansh said…
I love thekua. But I love it fried.. No fair! I was hoping you would post the fried one. This sounds great though.. healthy thekua. Glad you joined the creative cookies group. It is a lot of un.
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Renee, will surely share deep fried version soon...
Shilpi Prasad said…
Hi Stacy, yes this one has to be done on low temperature, otherwise it doesn't have the crunchiness of cookies... I would love to make them for u guys....
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx BecHeflin, thanx for appreciating....
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Holly...I am also glad I joined, learning lots of stuff.......
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Anshie, I love fried too, but need to think of healthier version as well... Will post the fried version soon... I am glad, I joined this group, lots of stuff to learn...
greenthumb said…
What lovely sounding cookies you have made, I love the story behind them also.
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx for appreciating...
Karen said…
These sound so simple and wonderful!!!
Marcela said…
such a great recipe!
I really enjoyed this post–both the writing and the photos!
Tara said…
They look delicious, I sure could go for one right now with a cup of tea. Great story and post also!!
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Karen, for taking out time and visiting my blog....
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Marcela, I am glad you liked them....
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Tara, yes they are so delicious, every time I m entering Kitchen, my hands automatically go towards these cookies....
Sarah R said…
How unique! Love it
mausam jha said…

can we use wheat flour instead of all purpose flour.
Shilpi Prasad said…
Hey Mausam, yes You can replace all purpose flour with wheat flour, or can make it half and half... It will work..

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