Chic Peas/Garbanzo Beans Stew (Choley Chana curry)

The other day, I met a friend at local grocery Store near beans section, I was very much surprised to see her and couldn't believe my eyes, as she was looking about 15-20 lbs less, from what I have seen her earlier. This was about 4 months back. She told me, she changed her diet, increased more protein in her food. Initially it became difficult for her, as she is a vegetarian, but later on after some research ( you guys also know these days research means, she go-ogled), she came to know that more consumption of protein and less consumption of carbohydrates can help her. 

Now, the question is which food item contains more of protein. All beans, peas contains more of Proteins. Garbanzo Beans - This is also known as Chick Peas in some parts of the world. These seeds are high in Protein, and is easiest cultivated beans. 

Nutrition - This food is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein and Copper, and a very good source of Folate and Manganese.

Amount per 1 cup - 
Calorie - 269
Carbohydrate - 45.0 g
Protein & Amino Acids - 14.5 g
Fats - 4.2 g
Cholesterol - 0.0m

So beneficial for people who want to concentrate on weight loss program. With a regular exercise and good diet, one can reduce his/her weight easily.

The recipe of cooking Garbanzo beans is also very easy. It takes about 30-40 minutes to cook.

Ready Choley (chick Peas)

Ingredients -

1.   Onions - 1/2 Big onion ( sliced)
2.   Garlic - 4 cloves
3.   Ginger - 1 small piece
4.   Tomato - 1 small or 1/2 big
5.   Cumin seeds - 1 Teaspoon
6.   Cumin Powder - 1 Teaspoon  
7.   Turmeric Powder - 1/2 Teaspoon
8.   Coriander Powder - 1 Teaspoon
9.   Chilli Powder - 1 teaspoon
10. Cilantro- 1/2 Bowl ( to garnish)
11. Cooking oil- 2 Tablespoons
12. Water -1 glass
13. Channa - 4 handful (1 handful for each person,also known as chic peas or garbanzo beans)


Soak channa overnight. Transfer the soaked Channa into a pressure cooker and cook it on high flame for 1 whistle and on low flame for another 5 whistles.Now, move the pressure cooker away from the flame and let it cool down.
Boiled Chick Peas
 Take a mixer jar and put all onion, garlic, ginger and tomato and grind it with little amount of water. Now, take a pan and add oil in the pan, add cumin seeds to the heated oil. Add the content of mixer jar to the oil and stir it. 

Spices getting fried

Cook it for another 10 minutes, until n unless the paste starts leaving oil in the pan. Now, put the Channa in this paste and add a glass of water, mix it properly and cook it on medium flame for another 10 minutes. 
Chick Peas added to the paste

Your curry is ready, enjoy it with Kachori or Jeera Rice.


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