Oreo Coconut Bundt Cake


I love Oreo's... It's have been favorite of both of us... A glass of milk, with a bowl full of Oreo's.... Yummmm. I love Oreo's so much, want to try different versions of it....  I tried many desserts, with Oreo's, even Sundaes with crushed Oreo in it, taste wonderful.... One of my favorite is Oreo CheeseCake... Check the recipe here...

There are two things at my place... On one side me and my kiddo love Oreo, on the other side it's too sweet for my husband, so has to make something, which is approved by everyone in family.... Well, I knew, my hubby always has something for Coconuts.... And my earlier recipe of Coconut Cake was approved by him.... So, thought of giving my version of Coconut Cake, a twist with Oreo....

This Cake turns out to be amazingly delicious, moist and since, no egg has been used, it seems to be perfect Cake for the Vegetarians as well..

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on the BundtBakers home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.


Ingredients you need -
  1. All Purpose flour- 1 1/2 cups
  2. Milk Powder - 1 cup
  3. Baking Powder - 1tbsp
  4. Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
  5. Butter (melted) - 3/4 cup
  6. Whipped Cream - 1/2 cup
  7. Fresh Coconut (shredded) - 3/4 cup + 1/4 cup 
  8. Banana - 1 (ripened)
  9. Sugar - 3/4 cup
  10. Oreo - 1/2 cup ( 20 broken, 5 crushed)

Directions -
  • In a pan, mix All purpose Flour with Milk Powder, Baking Powder and Baking Soda.
  • In another pan, mix butter with Sugar and Whipped Cream.
  • Slowly, add flour mixture to sugar mixture, to avoid the lumps.
  • Now, add milk in small portions to make batter smooth.
  • Beat the batter just for 3-4 minutes.
  • Add 3/4 cup of Shredded coconut and broken Oreos in a batter, and mix the batter for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Coat a baking pan with a layer of cooking oil and sprinkle some flour.
  • Transfer the batter by spooning into the Bundt Pan, and sprinkle 1/4 cup of shredded coconut from the top.
  • Preheat the Oven to 350 degrees, and keep the pan in an oven.
  • Cook for 30 minutes, and check if it's done or not by inserting a toothpick or a fork.
  • If it comes out clear, it's done.
Sugar Glazed on top - 

Ingredients - 
  1. Powdered Sugar - 1/2 cup
  2. Fresh Coconut - 1/2 cup (shredded)
  3. Crushed Oreo - 2-3
  4. Vanilla Extract - 1/4 tsp
  5. Milk - 2-3 tbsp (as required)
Directions - 
  • Mix Sugar with Vanilla extract and 1tbsp of milk. Add milk as required, depends on how you want your glazed to be. Do not make it too runny.
  • Sprinkle fresh coconut and crushed Oreo from the top.
  • And Enjoy..................


Renee said…
My husband would love this cake! He adores Oreos and so I'll put this on my to-bake for him list.
Anonymous said…

Oreos make everything taste better! Fabulous cake :)
Unknown said…
This cake would be perfect for my husband. Looks like his Father's Day Cake might have been decided on!
Love the creativity with oreos! Thanks for participating
Rebekah said…
What a fun combination - I love any excuse to use Oreos. :)
What a brilliant combination, how delicious!
Oh my gosh. You're after my own heart! I can't even handle how delicious your cake looks with all those crushed oreos!
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Girls, for ur overwhelming comments. Made my day.
Catherine said…
What a creative idea to use oreos with coconut. I would love to be eating this right now! Have a wonderful day, Catherine
Kelster said…
Oreos too sweet? I don't comprehend. :-)
Shilpi Prasad said…
Thanx Kelster, for me too Oreo's are perfect, but for him too sweet :(
Laura said…
What a great compromise between you and your hubby! :D
Everythings better with oreos...YUM
Patty's Cake said…
Looks great!!! Oreo and coconut bundt cake looks yummy!!!
Anonymous said…
My husband must to see this!!! Lovely!!!
Teri said…
I love the combination, and your cake looks so pretty!
Unknown said…
Very original combination of fflavours, I must try this soon. Thank you for sharing!

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