Roohafza Almond Bundt Cake #BundtBakers

Well, I am back, after a long break. Wanted to come back earlier, but somehow wasn't able to accommodate writing in my schedule. Writing is something which, makes me refreshed, and I can share my experience with my friends.

Somehow, I feel there is always something to talk about, something to tell, something to share. And this time, I have lot to share. In past few months, lot of things changed, for me. I started working full time. So, my daily schedule completely changed. Like cooking and writing, designing is my passion too. my passion led me too, an architecture school, and it became my carrier. I always feel, one should select a carrier, which they love, then only they can give their full input. Happy from my work, but to make myself completely satisfied, I need to pull some time from here and their and keep on blogging.

I moved to another house. So, demanding job, demanding family, cooking, cleaning, setting up the new house and my determination to find out time for exercise, wasn't letting me to write and post on a blog. Though, I was cooking, but there was always very less time, for getting the pictures done. And then, I decided,I just cannot let the time slip from my hand. I have to use it as maximum as possible. So, here I am back with a new recipe.


#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on the BundtBakers home page. This month's theme is "One Thousand and One Nights", and this awesome theme was given by our wonderful host, Lara, who is also a blogger. You can visit her blog, here.

When you are here, I will advise you to look and grasp, some awesome ideas of Bundts.
  • Almond Date Bundt Cake by Magnolia Days
  • Almond Orange Basbousa Bundt by Food Lust People Love
  • Arabian Nights Bundt Cake by Tartacadabra
  • Honey Almond, Apricot, and Cream Cheese Filled Breakfast Cake by Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice
  • Moroccan Bundt Cake by I Love Bundt Cakes
  • Orange Cardamom Bundt by A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Orange and Mint Bundt Cake by Our Good Life
  • Persian Orange Cake by Making Miracles
  • Pistachio Lemon & Rose Drizzle Bundt Cake by Baking in Pyjamas
  • Roohafza Almond Bundt Cake by SimplyVeggies
  • Saffron and Apricot Cake by Jane's Adventure in Dinner
  • Saffron and turmeric mini bundt cakes by Patty's Cake
  • The Blue Djinn of Babylon Persian Cardamom Bundt Cake by The Queen of Scones
  • Turkish Delight Bundt Cake by All That's Left Are The Crumbs

  • When I saw this month's theme, only item came in my mind was Roohafza. Roofafza, is one of the delicious drink, I grew up drinking especially in summer. It is considered to keep our body cool. It is made of lots of herbs, fruits, flowers, roots, etc. I don't know for sure, but our elder's say, it is a good healant, when you get a heat stroke. Well, I really do not care about the so called good properties, what I really crave about it, is it's little sweet taste with rose flavor. And when mixed in a cold milk, it is one of the drinks which i can never resist.

    So, here I am presenting you a delicious flavored cake, which is very close to my heart. This recipe is completely hit and trial, and I never thought, it will turn out so awesome.

    Recipe - 
    1. Rooh Afza- 8 tbsp
    2. All Purpose flour - 2 cups
    3. Baking Soda- 1/4 tsp
    4. Baking Powder- 1tsp
    5. Eggs- 3
    6. Sugar - 3/4 cup
    7. Olive Oil - 1 cup
    8. Milk - 1/4 cup
    9. Almond crushed - 1/2 cup
    Directions - 
    • In a bowl, mix All Purpose flour with Baking Soda and Baking powder.
    • In another bowl, beat eggs, one at a time. Then add sugar, mix. And add oil. Beat on a high speed, for just 1 minute.
    • Now, gradually add dry mix in the wet mixture.
    • When the batter starts turning hard, add 1bsp of milk at 1 time. Mix and if required. DO not add all milk, in 1 time, as it might can make the batter runny.
    • Now, add Rooh Afza, leaving 2 tbsp behind.

    • Mix, and add 1/4 cup of almonds.

    • Now, grease the pan, sprinkle almonds, whatever way you want them.
    • And start spooning the batter into pan.
    • When all done. add the rest two tbsp of RoohAfza, from top. Lightly make swirls, It will help create your Bundt in 2 colors.

    • Let the Bundt Bake at 350 deg for 25-30 minutes. When toothpick come out clean, wait for it to cool down, before turning it into serving dish.

    • Enjoy....

    Well, I am again hungry, time for another piece of cake. See you guys later.


Lara said…
Hi Shilpi, what a wonderful Bundt Cake you made! Love the way you added the Rooh Afza, very original! Thanks for participating, and congratulations with your new job and house!!
Unknown said…
You sure have had a lot happening lately. Congrats on your new job and new home. I'm glad you were able to post with us this month. Now I've discovered something new - Roohafza. I'll have to look for it the next time I'm at an International market.
Terri Steffes said…
Shilpi, this cake! I am going to have to try the drink you mention. Rooh Afza isn't common where I live in the US!
The cake is beautiful Shilpi, I need to stop at the international market next time I am in the city and locate this drink.
I've never heard of this drink before so thank you to introducing it to me, your cake looks wonderful and I can imagine tastes delicious.

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