Toad in the Hole

It was a wonderful day outside. Day to go for a walk. So, I started out. Nice cool wind was blowing, and then it started drizzling a little bit. So, amazing. I was loving it. After coming for a walk, I went to Gym for little bit of exercise. There I met my next door neighbor, wonderful lady.

We started discussing weather, temperature, and then comes the food. And our discussion about eggs started. its benefits and how our daily needs of protein is complete by consuming eggs. 

Here, are few benefits of eggs listed.
  1. Improves Concentration-
    Eggs provides a good nutrition which increases child’s ability to learn. It helps in increasing-
    • Concentration level
    • Math and reading skills
    • Attendance
  2. Maintains Healthy Weight-
    Eggs are the best source of protein which contains all essential amino acids for human body. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain healthy weight.
  3. Brain Development-
    Egg yolk, stimulates brain development and function. Since it is necessary for brain to develop, but is not produced by our bodies in sufficient amount, a continuous new supply must be provided by our diet.
  4. Improve Eyesight -
    Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in egg yolk and are believed to help improve eyesight and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (leading cause of blindness in people over age 65 years) as well as the risk of cataracts.
  5. Prevent Blood Clots -
    Eating eggs may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by prevent blood clots. An important antioxidant called selenium found in eggs inhibit clot formation in a dose-dependent.
  6. Healthy Pregnancy -
    Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or approximately half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women.
  7. Strengthen Bones -
    Egg is an important source of vitamin D, which is important in bone strengthening and improving immunity.
  8. Maintain Healthy Hair and skin -
    Eggs contain protein and sulfur which together help in the promotion of healthy hair and skin.
  9. Prevent Breast Cancer -
    A study found that women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week have 44% less risk of developing breast cancer.

There are variety of ways of making eggs. One of them is "Toad in the Hole". This dish was made by my mom, when we were kids. A very simple and easy way, of making eggs. we use to love this form of eggs and bread. It was so yummy. Even, after growing up I still make this yummy treat for myself and my family. My Kid really loves it.

Ingredients for 2
  1. Eggs - 4
  2. Bread - 4
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Black Pepper Powder (optional) - According to taste
  5. Red Chilli Powder - 1tsp (optional)
  6. Olive Oil / butter- 4 tsp
  • Cut the bread in the center of square shape.
  • In a pan, heat oil on low heat, toast bread on it.
  • Add Egg in the hole, break the yolk and sprinkle salt, black pepper powder and red chilli powder, cook on low heat until the egg starts hardening.
  • Turn it over, and cook on the other side.
  • Serve it hot. 


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