Eggless Mango Almond Bundt Cake #BundtBakers

Yesterday, was my daughter's b'day... We typically celebrate her birthday for about a week... Mostly, doing whatever she likes us to do... Trying to make her happy in every way..  She wanted a Vanilla cake for her birthday... Since, I have lots of friends who do not eat eggs, so I decided to make eggless cake...

Now, I wanted to make something for her last week..  She loves Mango, so thought this will go perfect with this month's theme too.. I have never tried something like this before, so didn't know how is it going to work.. I used Mango chunks in this cake... It took little more time to bake than usual, because of the juice Mango was releasing when it was baking... But, overall I loved the taste.. It was so yum, nobody in my family, allowed me to frost it... Whatever photos, I am posting is taken during the process of cooling....

    #BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. 
    Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, can be found on our home page. This month, I hosted this event... And I am really very happy to share this awesome list of varieties of  Fruits and Nuts cake..
    Updated Link lists for July 2015- Fruits and Nuts
    So, sharing my easy-peasy recipe of Eggless Mango Almond Bundt Cake - 

    Ingredients you require - 
    1. All Purpose flour - 2 cups
    2. Baking Powder - 1tbsp
    3. Baking Soda - 1 tsp
    4. Cardamom Powder - 1 tsp
    5. Sugar - 3/4 cup
    6. Butter (unsalted) - 1/2 cup
    7. Olive Oil  -1/2 cup
    8. Mango Chunks- 1/2 Mango
    9. Mango Puree - 1/2 Mango
    10. Broken Almond - 1/2 cup +1/2 cup
    11. Yogurt- 2tbsp

    Directions to follow - 
    • Sift All Purpose flour and mix with baking soda, baking powder and Cardamom powder.
    • Add Mango Puree in the flour mixture.

    •  Mix and add melted butter, olive oil and yogurt, one by one.. Keep stirring in between.
    • In the last, add broken almonds, and mix.

    •  Now, add Mango chunks, mix.
    • Time to make the Bundt Pan ready.. 
    • Spray Oil in a pan. n the bottom make a layer of 1/4 cup of Almonds.

    • Now, spoon the batter in the pan carefully, and not disturbing the almond spread.
    • Let it rest for 5 minutes... Meanwhile, preheat the oven.

    • Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, or till it passes the toothpick test.. It might can more time from the usual cakes, because of Mango chunks... But, in the end, the cake was very flavorful with the taste of Mango in every bite..


    Stacy Rushton said…
    A cake that lovely and moist doesn't need frosting, Shilpi! Thanks so much for hosting this great theme!
    Bubbe Bites said…
    I am drooling your Bundt! It looks so good!
    Unknown said…
    So nice that your daughter gets to celebrate her birthday for a whole week! I bet she loved this cake, it looks delicious. Thanks again for hosting this month and coming up with this fun theme! :)
    Lara said…
    Looks really delicious Shilpi, thanks for hosting this theme, loved it!! Sunshine from Spain -xx-
    I can imagine your daughter was very pleased with her birthday cake, it looks wonderful. I like how you've added cardamom to the cake too. Thanks for hosting this month :)
    June Burns said…
    Love the mango flavors in there! That's one of my favorite fruits :)
    Terri Steffes said…
    Such a great cake, so summery and festive! Thanks for hosting, you did a great job.
    Unknown said…
    I love it when a an experiment is such a success. :)
    Oh my gosh, Shilpi, adding mango was pure genius. YUM. Thanks again for hosting and for choosing such a great theme.
    Mango chunks combined with mango puree must have created the an amazing flavor! I would have never thought to add mango to a baked good. Brilliant!

    Thank you for hosting this month's #BundtBakers. I have enjoyed my project and had even more enjoyment from reading the posts from the other bakers.
    Colleen said…
    I love that used mango in this bake; the Bundt looks lovely!
    Shilpi Prasad said…
    Thank You everyone, for the beautiful words..
    Ansh said…
    The cake looks moist and delicious! Hope your daughter had a wonderful Birthday week!
    TeaLady said…
    Mango and Almond sounds very tropical! Perfect for summer.
    Anonymous said…
    This cake sounds delicious! What a great theme. I'm sorry I wasn't able to participate this month. I was really looking forward to it.
    Kelster said…
    Mango is probably my favourite fruit though. I never bake with them because I'm always too busy eating them.
    Kelster said…
    Thanks for hosting!
    Catherine said…
    Dear Shilpi, Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess this month. Your cake looks fabulous and delicious. I would love a slice of this. Have a wonderful day dear. xo, Catherine
    Bakingyummies said…
    Good that you skipped the frosting part Shilpi since your cake does not need it. It already has such powerful flavors, the king of fruits that I bet it tastes just yummmmm. Your daughter is so lucky! and thanks for hosting this month :)

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